Monday, December 29, 2008

Windows 7 beta 1: sound does not work on Macbook Pro (RealTek HD Audio)

This post is googlebait: I couldn't find the solution for this on google, so here's how I solved it. Hopefully others will be spared the messing around.

After installing windows 7 beta 1 (7000) on my macbook pro, and installing the bootcamp drivers off the Leopard Disc, as well as The vista 2.1 bootcamp update, everything worked very nicely... Except sound.

Win7 detected "High Definition Audio Device" and everything looked like it should have worked, but no sound came out of the speakers.

After much mucking around, here's what I did:

Go into the leopard drivers folder. There should be a directory called Drivers, and under that is a file called RealTekSetup.exe. If you try run this normally, it will fail.

What I did next was:

  • Right click it, and select Troubleshoot Compatibility
  • Click Next and wait for it to finish 'Detecting Issues'
  • Select The program Worked in earlier versions of windows...
  • Select Windows Vista
  • Click Next a few times, let the Realtek installer run, reboot, and Presto!
  • As for win7 itself? Well, the beta is faster, nicer, and all around better than vista. I'll never go back. They didn't do a good enough job of copying the dock... but it's still miles ahead of vista, and that's another blog post.

    Monday, September 29, 2008

    Embedded IronRuby interactive console


    What this is, is a small dll which you can add to any .net winforms project. When run, it brings up the interactive console, and you can poke around with your app. It's running live inside your process, so anything your app can do, it can do. I thought this was kind of cool :-)

    How to get it going:

    1. Download and build IronRuby by following the instructions on - I built this against IronRuby SVN revision 153. As of RIGHT NOW the current revision is 154 which doesn't build.
    2. Download the Embedded IronRuby project from the following URL - you can use SVN to check it out directly from there. (I'm assuming familiarity with SVN in the interests of brevity)
    3. Open the EmbeddedIronRuby/EmbeddedIronRuby.sln file in visual studio, and remove/add reference so that it references IronRuby.dll, Microsoft.Scripting.dll, Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll, and IronRuby.Libraries.dll. These will be in the IronRuby build\debug folder that you will have built in step 1.
    4. Compile!
    5. For some reason, when you compile, Visual Studio will only copy IronRuby.dll, Microsoft.Scripting.dll and Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll to the bin\debug directory. It also needs IronRuby.Libraries.dll in that directory (or in the GAC) to run, otherwise you get a stack overflow in the internal IronRuby code when you run it.
      The joys of alpha software I guess :-)
    6. Run the app and click the button!
    You can also add this embedded console to your own app. Just stick all the dlls in your app's folder (or the GAC) so it can see them, add a reference to EmbeddedRubyConsole.dll, and in your app do this: new EmbeddedRubyConsole.RubyConsoleForm().Show();

    Credit: Some of the 'plumbing' code (the TextBoxWriter and TextWriterStream) come from the excellent IronEditor application. Full credit to and copyright on those files to Ben Hall. Thanks!

    IronRuby Presentation!

    I recently gave a presentation to my local .NET user group about IronRuby.

    Click on the image to download the slides as a PDF file.
    Note: This was exported from keynote with speaker notes, which I've revised slightly since giving the presentation.

    As part of this, I demoed a small library I wrote which gives you a live interactive ruby console as part of your running app.

    Basically it lets you poke around your program and modify things while it's running. I'll post the code and notes about that shortly

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    Ruby Unit Converting Hash

    I'm currently working on a project where I need to convert from things in one set of units to any other set of units ( eg centimeters to inches and so forth)

    I had a bunch of small helper functions to convert from X to Y, but these kept growing every time we needed to handle something which hadn't been anticipated.

    This kind of thing is also exponential, as if we have 4 'unit types' and we add a 5th one, we need to add 8 new methods to convert each other type to and from the new type

    A few hours of refactoring later, I have this, which I think is kind of cool, and will enable me to delete dozens of small annoying meters_to_pts methods all over the place.

    Disclaimer: This is definitely not good OO. A hash is not and never should be a unit converter. In the production code I will refactor this to build an actual Unit Converter class which stores a hash internally :-)

    # Builds a unit converter object given the specified relationships
    # converter = UnitConverter.create({
    #  # to convert FROM a TO B, multiply by C
    #  :pts    => {:inches => 72},
    #  :inches => {:feet   => 12},
    #  :cm     => {:inches => 2.54, 
    #              :meters => 100},
    #  :mm     => {:cm     => 10},
    # })
    # You can then do
    # converter.convert(2, :feet, :inches) 
    # => 24
    # The interesting part is, it will follow any links which can be inferred
    # and also generate inverse relationships, so you can also (with the exact same hash) do
    # converter.convert(2, :meters, :pts) # relationship inferred from meters => cm => inches => pts
    # => 5669.29133858268
    class UnitConverter < Hash
      # Create a conversion hash, and populate with derivative and inverse conversions
      def self.create( hsh )
        returning new(hsh) do |h|
          # build and merge the matching inverse conversions
          h.recursive_merge! h.build_inverse_conversions
          # build and merge implied conversions until we've merged them all
          while (convs = h.build_implied_conversions) && convs.any?
            h.recursive_merge!( convs )
      # just create a simple conversion hash, don't build any implied or inverse conversions
      def initialize( hsh )
        merge!( hsh )
      # Helper method which does self.inject but flattens the nested hashes so it yields with |memo, from, to, rate|
      def inject_tuples(&block)
        h ={ |h, key| h[key] = {} }
        self.inject(h) do |m, (from, x)|
          x.each do |to, rate|
            yield m, from, to, rate
      # Builds any implied conversions and returns them in a new hash
      # If no *new* conversions can be implied, will return an empty hash
      # For example
      # {:mm => {:cm => 10}, :cm => {:meters => 100}} implies {:mm => {:meters => 1000 }}
      # so that will be returned
      def build_implied_conversions
        inject_tuples do |m, from, to, rate|
          if link = self[to]
            link.each do |link_to, link_rate|
              # add the implied conversion to the 'to be added' list, unless it's already contained in +self+,
              # or it's converting the same thing (inches to inches) which makes no sense
              if (not self[from].include?(link_to)) and (from != link_to)
                m[from][link_to] = rate * link_rate 
      # build inverse conversions
      def build_inverse_conversions
        inject_tuples do |m, from, to, rate|
          m[to][from] = 1.0/rate
      # do the actual conversion
      def convert( value, from, to )
        value * self[to][from]

    I'm not sure if deriving it from Hash is the right way to go, but it basically is just a big hash full of all the inferred conversions, so I'll leave it at that.


    Woops, this code requires 'returning' which is part of rails' ActiveSupport, and an extension to the Hash class called recursive_merge!, which I found on an internet blog comment somewhere (so it's only fitting that I share back with this unitconverter)

    Code for recursive_merge

    class Hash
      def recursive_merge(hsh)
        self.merge(hsh) do |key, oldval, newval|
          oldval.is_a?(Hash) ? 
            oldval.recursive_merge(newval) :
      def recursive_merge!(hsh)
        self.merge!(hsh) do |key, oldval, newval|
          oldval.is_a?(Hash) ? 
            oldval.recursive_merge!(newval) :

    Code for returning

    class Object
      def returning( x )
        yield x

    Monday, July 14, 2008


    I'm rspeccing some REST controllers which return XML, and wanting to use XPath to validate the responses.

    I came across this

    Thanks to him. It worked nicely (couldn't be bothered messing about with hpricot to get that to go), but I didn't like the API as much as I could have.

    Example of that API:

    response.body.should have_xpath('/root/node1')
    response.body.should match_xpath('/root/node1', "expected_value" )
    response.body.should have_nodes('/root/node1/child', 3 )

    I didn't like the fact that there were 3 distinct matchers, and that match_xpath didn't work with regexes. I re-worked it, so the API is now

    response.body.should have_xpath('/root/node1')
    response.body.should have_xpath('/root/node1').with("expected_value") # can also pass a regex
    response.body.should have(3).elements('/root/node1/child') # Note actually extends string class and uses normal rspec have matcher

    Extending the String class to support elements(xpath) is a win also because it lets you do things like

    response.body.elements('/child').each { |e| more complex assert for e here }

    Without further ado, new code here:

    # Code borrowed from
    # Modified to use one matcher and tweak syntax
    require 'rexml/document'
    require 'rexml/element'
    module Spec
      module Matchers
        # check if the xpath exists one or more times
        class HaveXpath
          def initialize(xpath)
            @xpath = xpath
          def matches?(response)
            @response = response
            doc = response.is_a?(REXML::Document) ? response :
            if @expected_value.nil?
              not REXML::XPath.match(doc, @xpath).empty?
            else # check each possible match for the right value
              REXML::XPath.each(doc, @xpath) do |e|
                @actual_value = e.is_a?(REXML::Element) ? 
                  e.text : 
                  e.to_s # handle REXML::Attribute and anything else
                if @expected_value.kind_of?(Regexp) && @actual_value =~ @expected_value
                  return true
                elsif @actual_value == @expected_value.to_s
                  return true
              false # our loop didn't hit anything, mustn't be there
          def with_value( val )
            @expected_value = val
          alias :with :with_value
          def failure_message
            if @expected_value.nil?
              "Did not find expected xpath #{@xpath}"
              "The xpath #{@xpath} did not have the value '#{@expected_value}'\nIt was '#{@actual_value}'"
          def negative_failure_message
            if @expected_value.nil?
              "Found unexpected xpath #{@xpath}"
              "Found unexpected xpath #{@xpath} matching value #{@expected_value}"
          def description
            "match the xpath expression #{@xpath}, optionally matching it's value"
        def have_xpath(xpath)

        # Utility function, so we can do this: 
        # response.body.should have(3).elements('/images/')
        class ::String
          def elements(xpath)
            REXML::XPath.match(, xpath)
          alias :element :elements

    Monday, July 07, 2008

    How to: load the session from a query string instead of a cookie

    We use SWFUpload to upload some images in a login-restricted part of the site.

    There is a problem however, in that we weren't able to get SWFUpload to send the normal browser cookie along with it's HTTP file uploads, so the server couldn't tell which user was logged in.

    The 'normal' solution to this is to add the session key to the query string, and have the server load the session from the query string if the cookie isn't present, only ruby/rails doesn't support doing that.

    a nice guy with the handle 'mcr' in #rubyonrails on worked out how to make this work, by patching ruby's cgi/session.rb


    1. Copy cgi/session.rb out of your ruby standard library into your rails app's lib folder
    2. explicitly load the file out of lib, which will then overwrite the built in code

    Needless to say this will stop working if the ruby standard library version of cgi/session changes, but I don't see that as being very likely

    Patch in unified diff format:

    --- /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/cgi/session.rb 2006-07-30 10:06:50.000000000 -0400
    +++ lib/cgi/session.rb 2008-07-07 21:07:12.000000000 -0400
    @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
     require 'cgi'
     require 'tmpdir'
    +require 'tempfile'
    +require 'stringio'
    +require 'strscan'
     class CGI
    @@ -243,6 +246,20 @@
         #       undef_method :fieldset
         #   end
    +    def query_string_as_params(query_string)
    +      return {} if query_string.blank?
    +      pairs = query_string.split('&').collect do |chunk|
    + next if chunk.empty?
    + key, value = chunk.split('=', 2)
    + next if key.empty?
    + value = value.nil? ? nil : CGI.unescape(value)
    + [ CGI.unescape(key), value ]
    +      end.compact
    +    end
         def initialize(request, option={})
           @new_session = false
           session_key = option['session_key'] || '_session_id'
    @@ -253,6 +270,7 @@
           unless session_id
    + #debugger XXX
      if request.key?(session_key)
        session_id = request[session_key]
        session_id = if session_id.respond_to?(:read)
    @@ -260,6 +278,12 @@
      unless session_id
        session_id, = request.cookies[session_key]
    + unless session_id
    +   params = query_string_as_params(request.query_string)
    +   session_id = params[session_key]
    + end
      unless session_id
        unless option.fetch('new_session', true)
          raise ArgumentError, "session_key `%s' should be supplied"%session_key

    Sunday, July 06, 2008

    How to: Avoid getting your database wiped when migrating to rails 2.1

    We recently migrated some projects from rails 1.2 to 2.1.

    In doing this, we encountered a bug where sometimes (in production only) running rake db:migrate goes wrong, and re-runs all your migrations

    The unhappy side effect of it re-running ALL the migrations, is that it effectively re-creates your entire database, and you lose all your data. USEFUL

    I didn't have the time or the luxury to figure out quite why this was happening, if anyone does, please comment and let me know what it was. Apparently there's been a few other blogs mentioning it, but I don't have any of them at hand.

    The workaround is to manually create the schema_migrations table before you run rake db:migrate in rails 2.1.

    If you put the following script in your RAILS_ROOT/db directory, and run it, it will do that.

    Enjoy. (Disclaimer: if there's a bug in the script, and it does anything awful, it's not my fault! You have been warned!)

    require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
    # Define some models
    class SchemaInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
      set_table_name 'schema_info'
    class SchemaMigration < ActiveRecord::Base; end
    # Create the schema_migrations table
    ActiveRecord::Migration.class_eval do
      create_table 'schema_migrations', :id => false do |t|
        t.column :version, :string, :null => false
    # Work out the migrated version and populate the migrations table
    v = SchemaInfo.find(:first).version.to_i
    puts "Current schema version is #{v}"
    raise "Version number doesn't seem right!" if v == 0
    1.upto(v) do |i|
     SchemaMigration.create!( :version => i )
     puts "Added entry for migration #{i}"
    # Drop the schema info table, as rails-2.1 won't automatically do it thanks to our hacking
    ActiveRecord::Migration.class_eval do
      drop_table 'schema_info'

    How To: Create old rails apps when you have newer gems installed

    My dev server has the gems for rails 1.2.6, 2.0.2 and 2.1.0 all installed.

    You can see which ones you have by running

    gem list --local | grep rails

    The problem is, when I create new rails apps, it always uses the latest version. If I explicitly want to create a 1.2.6 or 2.0.2 app, then I can do it like this

    rails _1.2.6_ some_old_app


    For the technically nosey, we can see how this works by reading the source of /usr/bin/rails, which is here

    require 'rubygems'
    version = "> 0"
    if ARGV.first =~ /^_(.*)_$/ and Gem::Version.correct? $1 then
      version = $1
    gem 'rails', version
    load 'rails'

    How to: Rails 2.0 and 2.1 resources with semicolons

    Rails 1.X used semicolons as method seperators for resources, so you'd get


    Rails 2.X switches this to


    This is nice and all, but some of us have actual client applications which we can't all just upgrade instantly

    To make the semicolon-routes still work in rails 2.X, so you don't break all your clients, do this

    At the TOP of routes.rb, before the ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw block

    # Backwards compatibility with old ; delimited routes
    ActionController::Routing::SEPARATORS.concat %w( ; , )

    and, at the BOTTOM of routes.rb BEFORE the end

    # Backwards compatibility with old ; delimited routes
    map.connect ":controller;:action"
    map.connect ":controller/:id;:action"


    Monday, June 30, 2008

    Failfox 3

    Firefox 3 is great

    BUT. I like to bookmark things by dragging from the URL bar to (a folder in) the bookmarks toolbar.

    Look what happens in FF3.

    You can't drag a bookmark onto a tooltip, so the whole thing fails.


    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    Paragon NTFS for mac update

    In the comments of my last blog about the quick hack benchmark I did of paragon NTFS for mac OS X, Anatoly, the product manager from paragon replied. I'm reposting it here so it's not hidden behind that tiny little '1 comments' link at the bottom of the post.
    Dear Orion,

My name is Anatoly.
    I am Product Manager for Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X driver.

    Thank you for your time and efforts to measure the performance of Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X driver.

    Frankly speaking your results are not exactly correct for real time usage of the driver.
    First of all, the Finder application handles files (copy, create,...) using 2MB block size rather than 512B you tested (the "dd if=//tmp/bigfile of=/dev/null" command uses 512KB block size by default).
    Second, to get precise figures you have to unmount/mount partitions every time you perform any test (the reason you got - 87.45MB/Sec). 

    So, we retested our driver and would like to show you our results.
    We used commands that are similar to yours:

    For write:
dd if=/dev/random of=/Volumes/bigfile bs=2m count=100
For read:
dd if=/Volumes/bigfile of=/dev/null bs=2m

    HFS+ Firewire: 
Write (MiB/sec) - 4,26; 
Read (MiB/sec) - 36,06.

NTFS Firewire: 
Write (MiB/sec) - 4,24; 
Read (MiB/sec) - 35,26.


Please note in case we will use "bs=1m" we get:

    HFS+ Firewire: 
Write (MiB/sec) - 4,34; 
Read (MiB/sec) - 39,29. 

    NTFS Firewire: 
Write (MiB/sec) - 4,30; 
Read (MiB/sec) - 42,25. 

    According to our tests we can assert that our driver has the same performance as the native HFS+ driver has.

Let me know if I am wrong.

    Thank you,
    Well, Wow. I always feel special when important people from companies reply to me! If anyone is looking for numbers, use those ones, as he obviously is far more clued up about it than I am.

    I completely agree with his assertion that the driver performs as well as native HFS+

    At any rate, I'd already purchased the product, and it's been great. If you are like me and need to access NTFS drives from your mac, you really should buy it.
